Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Worst morning in my college life

Today was one of the worst mornings ever. Yesterday night I took a long nap at 7pm of about

three hours. I woke up all lost at ten. I could not go to sleep so I watched the novela with my roommate. We went to sleep around one in the morning. I was really worry because next morning I was going to have my algebra test. I finally fell asleep around two. I woke up all scared at six in the morning after having a really bad dream.

It was a childish dream. It was about that walking doll named Chucky!!! I hated him since I was little, but still I watched his movies. In my dream I was lost. I was in a place I did not recognize. I was waiting for the bus to come back home,and I was being follow by two man. It was kind of ironic at the same time because Chucky instead of killing me he saved me!!! He followed the men and killed them. The bus finally came and I got on it, not waiting for Chucky to come back. I knew he was looking for me, but fortunately, I woke up.

I could not go to sleep after that so I got up and studied for my algebra test. I wrote down the things I did not know and I was ready. Unfortunately the test did not cover any of those things and I was in bad shape. I did my best but I think I fail. Oh well there is nothing more to do than wait for the results and hoe for the best.


  1. Oh my goodness. That is such a freaky picture. It is pretty ironic that he saved you; however, in the end he was looking for you so he might have been waiting to get you too. Man the thing you said that you didn’t study the right thing is hilarious. That happened to me too. Well kind of it’s just that I didn’t study enough. I hope I passed even if I barely did. I’m praying that I receive at least a C.

  2. This is creepy picture. I have never liked chuckie! Your dream was awkward in some ways.. chuckie saving your life instead of killing you himself. Pretty ironic. But you know, everyone has those types of dreams once in a while. about the test, some of the things i studied for were not there either. Which was a bummer, but for the most part I understood most of the problems. all i want is to pass and like Emilia said at least with a C. I know you will pass too!

  3. Luzma this is the weirdest dream I have ever heard of. If you ask me, it's not normal for Chucky to save you during a nightmare, but then again all is possible in a dream. You must have an extremely wild imagination. In fact I wonder what other crazy dreams you've had? Well i hardly ever remember my dreams so I envy you on that, but maybe you should try to stop being so much on the computer before bed. I think it may be causing you nightmares.Anyways, I hope your dreams change from strange to great! Good luck!!!

  4. When I read your title and then saw the picture you posted I immediately thought, “dam her morning must have been horrible,” but then after reading your post I laughed. You only had a bad night not morning your nightmare was silly and I enjoyed reading about it. Did you know you have dreams for a reason? Or at least I believe we do, they all hold a certain meaning. Like how you said you couldn’t sleep and when you did you had a nightmare and woke up. I think this was kind of like you subconscious telling you that you needed to study. Well I know am not good at interpreting dreams but I have a book I am willing to let you read that explains dreams.
